December Regular Meeting Minutes
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, December 9, 2024 7:00 PM
Elementary Media Center in Diller
315 Smith St
Diller, NE 68342
Angie Clifford: |
Present |
Dusty Duis: |
Present |
Adam Engelman: |
Present |
Paul Kostal: |
Present |
Kasey Murphy: |
Present |
Stuart Vitosh: |
Present |
1. Open Meeting
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information
1.3. Public Comment
No public comment was received.
1.4. Approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve minutes of last meeting Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Stuart Vitosh.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.
2. Instruction and Related Items
2.1. Student Report
Myleigh Weers and Brennan Schultis gave a student report. Events included the beginning of winter sports, FFA activities, and Play Production. The Board congratulated the Play Production team on placing Runner-Up at the District competition.
2.2. Principals Report
Principal's Hinrichs and Mezger reported on Special Programs, student testing, a recent Principal conference, and the State Education Conference.
3. Personnel Items
Hannah Kostal has resigned her position as a para professional. The Board thanks her for her service to the school district.
3.1. Approve teaching contract for Allyson Kort for 2025-2026
Motion to approve teaching contract Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The Board welcomes Ms. Kort to Diller-Odell Public Schools. She will be a 7-12 Math teacher in the fall.
4. Support Service
4.1. Technology Update
4.2. Facility Update
Rogge Construction will begin some demo work on the elementary entrance remodel on December 23.
Superintendent Meyerle also gave an update on some small facility projects. He noted that despite his numerous requests for some birds to not nest above the HS entry, they have refused to move. The area will be covered with a soffit to enclose the area to solve the issue.
5. Superintendent Items
5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle noted that the 2023-2024 Annual Report will be available next week.
He also reported that Judy Flores has been hired for some part-time cleaning help at the high school. Existing staff needed some more support. Superintendent Meyerle is very proud of the condition of our facilities and wants to ensure support for staff and not have them overwhelmed.
6. Financial Items
6.1. Pay bills as presented
Motion to approve bills as presented. Passed with a motion by Stuart Vitosh and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.
7. Board of Education Items
7.1. Review of Superintendent contract and rollover until June 2027
Superintendent Meyerle's contract will roll over an additional year and conclude in June 2027. There will not be a rollover to the contract next year.
7.2. Accept resignation of Superintendent Meyerle effective June 2027
Motion to accept the resignation of Superintendent Meyerle Passed with a motion by Dusty Duis and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The Board thanked Superintendent Meyerle for his years of service to the school district. When his contract ends in June of 2027, that will conclude 37 years of service to the school district. Superintendent Meyerle thanked the Board for their support and partnership during his career.
7.3. Committee Reports
7.4. Recognize Board members Duis and Kostal for their service on the Board
Superintendent Meyerle thanked Board members Duis and Kostal for their service to the School Board and recognized their dedication with a plaque. Mrs. Duis served one term and President Kostal served 5 terms.
7.5. Executive Session
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Stuart Vitosh and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
President Kostal adjourned the meeting at 8:00pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2025 at 6:30pm at the elementary in Diller.