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October Regular Board of Education Minutes

Board of Education Regular Meeting

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 7:00 PM

High School Media Center in Odell
506 Perry Street
Odell, NE 68415


Angie Clifford:  


Dusty Duis:  


Adam Engelman:  


Paul Kostal:  


Kasey Murphy:  


Stuart Vitosh:  



1. Open Meeting

1.1. Roll Call
Paul Kostal's absence was excused.

1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information

1.3. Public Comment
No public comment was received.

1.4. Approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve minutes of last meeting Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Stuart Vitosh.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.


2. Instruction and Related Items

2.1. Student Report
Aiden Mckinney and Berkelee Beckman provided a student report on fall activities which included softball, volleyball, football, FFA, Homecoming, Striv, and FBLA.

There was some concern on the length of the Homecoming Dance as it was cut short due to the football game going long.  Superintendent Meyerle suggested the Student Council check with Mr. McMurray on having a 5 or 6 pm kickoff for the game next year, move the dance to Saturday, or simply stipulate that the dance would last 2 hours and would begin 30 minutes after the conclusion of the football game.

2.2. Principal Report
Principal Hinrichs gave a report to the Board which included information on staff attending a MTSS Conference, Parent Teacher Conferences, and Homecoming.  Both Principals commended Mrs. Becker for her work on Homecoming week.

2.3. Review School calendar for 2025-2026
Superintendent Meyerle gave the Board an early edition of the 2025-2026 school calendar to review.  The Board will approve a calendar in February.


3. Personnel Items
Superintendent Meyerle reported that Lisa Romanek had been hired as an elementary custodian.  She will begin work Dec. 2.  Joyce Carpenter will be retiring from work as a cook, and Jen Wendland will move to the position of Head Cook, as Ronda Duis will transition into being an assistant cook.  The Board and administration thank Joyce Carpenter for her service to the school district.


4. Support Service

4.1. Technology Update

4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle reported that a contract had been signed with Rogge General Contractors for the elementary entry and office remodel.  Work will begin in December with it being completed by August 2025.

Superintendent Meyerle reported that he was working with Casper's Construction on some repairs to the gym roof.  He also reported that some pipe repair would be necessary at the high school this coming summer and that Adam's Plumbing would be doing the work.  Other than the elementary remodel, there is no major facility work scheduled for the future.


5. Superintendent Items

5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle reported that the addition of Mr. Hinrichs as a Principal has been well received by staff. Having a Principal in each building to deal with student issues and discipline immediately was very much needed.  He commended Principals Mezger and Hinrichs for their work. 

Bruce Lang conducted the annual safety audit last month.  Mr. Lang was very pleased about the upcoming improvement of safety and security and the elementary with the entry remodel.

The Board will be attending the Nebraska Association of School Boards Conference in Omaha in November.


6. Financial Items

6.1. Pay bills as presented
Motion to approve bills as presented. Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Stuart Vitosh.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.


7. Board of Education Items

7.1. Adopt Policy #6043 on Mapping Data to share information to assist Public Safety Agencies
Motion Passed with a motion by Stuart Vitosh and a second by Dusty Duis.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
Superintendent Meyerle encouraged the Board to adopt this policy from KSB School Law as there may be some grant money available to schools that have such a policy.

7.2. Committee Reports

7.3. Executive Session


8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Dusty Duis.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
Vice President Engelman adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm.  The next scheduled meeting is November 11, 2024 at 7pm at the High School.