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Jr/Sr High School


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Thank You!

As the winter sports season begins, we should all congratulate our fall student-athletes and coaches for successful seasons.  It was a joy to watch our softball team, volleyball team and football team compete this fall, and we look forward to a fun and exciting winter season!


These competitions do not happen without a lot of help and support.  I want to thank the following individuals for their help at home events.



Clock- Joyce Kostal

Scorebook and Libero Tracking- Kelsey Dunn, Marah Hestermann and Tarah Hestermann

Calling Lines- Alissa Andersen, Jamie Schluter and Makenzie Vitosh



Clock- Allen Roelfs

Announcers- Derek Long and John Mohr

Chain Crew- Chad Schroeder, Jeff Humphreys, Brent Kostal, Al Klecan, Caleb Billesbach, Eric Hackler, Terry Arnold



Clock – Brian Vitosh and Stuart Vitosh

Scorebook- Deena Day and Devin Garcia


A special thank you to Joyce Kostal and Keith Craig for preparing the gym and the field for these contests.  We always get compliments on our facilities from opposing teams, fans and from the officials.


Last but not least, I would like to think the staff of Diller-Odell that takes tickets at the games.  Many schools have trouble finding staff members to work the gate, but we are very fortunate to have so many wonderful individuals that do this so that our students can compete in these sports.